How to Support Your Sober Partner

marriage changes after sobriety

You can look at the Los Angeles sober living programs that can help you and your spouse in this challenging but rewarding journey. CAP, ICADC, CHC CEO and President at The Shores Treatment & Recovery of Florida. He is an ordained pastor and International Crisis Response Chaplain, is certified in CISM. He is the Lead Pastor at the Recovery Church Treasure Coast – PSL and heads up the 501c3 ministry of Mont Sinai Ministries Bayonnais, serving orphans and widows in Bayonnais Haiti.

Learn More About Soberlink

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is often experienced by one partner in a marriage. But sometimes, both partners struggle with substance use. No matter how long your family has lived under the oppression of addiction, there are bound to be residual concerns, issues and feelings.

marriage changes after sobriety

Rebuilding Takes TIME!

Dealing with addiction, whether your own or a loved one’s, is a complex challenge. Regardless of whether you choose to remain in the relationship or part ways, approach the situation with compassion for both yourself and your partner. When it’s time to have a conversation with your partner, try to choose a calm and appropriate time to express your concern for their well-being. Use “I” statements to convey your feelings without sounding accusatory.

Supporting Your Loved One During the Holidays: 7 Tips to Help Someone You Love Stay Sober

  • In early recovery, his affect was very abrupt, and his affection felt stiff.
  • Establish open lines of communication with one another and come up with a plan of action.
  • Daily life skills coaching, weekly chores, house responsibilities, peer mirroring, and leadership opportunities.

When asking whether marriage can survive sobriety, the answer can be yes—if a couple takes a healthy approach to managing their problems and discussing their feelings. It will take time to rebuild trust so it’s important to not put pressure on each other and instead take it one day at a time. In some ways, re-establishing a marriage in the wake of addiction is like dating and getting to know someone new, so it can be helpful to connect on specific date nights. It is vital for couples to have outside support during this time. Couples counseling can create a safe space to air out feelings and emotions and set concrete relationship goals to move forward.

There’s a chance that your loved one may not be open to it, depending on your history. Partners of those living with SUD experience their own fair share of relationship challenges. Design for Recovery offers the skills and support for lifelong sobriety.

Strategies on How to Support a Recovering Alcoholic Spouse

Addicts may also resent their dependency on their spouse and feel managed by them. Their partners cling to control and have trouble focusing on themselves. They need to be more emotionally autonomous, which will lessen reactivity and facilitate better communication and intimacy. That may mean each spouse initially talking over things with their sponsor or therapist rather than confronting one other, except when it comes to abuse, which should be addressed.

marriage changes after sobriety


marriage changes after sobriety

After I crushed my spouse’s soul, I asked for loving support in exchange for promising to not crush it again. There is an unfortunate link between alcoholism and infidelity in marriage. Alcohol lowers inhibitions and impairs judgement, often leading to decisions one might not consider when sober.

marriage changes after sobriety

This eventually led him back to school for a degree in psychology. Lyle was VP of a 6-county homeless coalition and a founding member of the Mental Health Action Team in Miami-Dade County. He has served as a Consultant & Licensure Specialist to numerous facilities and has served as a Drug Court Panel member.

You can ask questions about our program, the admissions process, and more. Internal triggers – These are often caused by thoughts or emotions marriage changes after sobriety such as anxiety, excitement, sadness, and frustration, among others. Physical ailments like headaches can also be an internal triggers.